Decline Salvage??
4 things you have to know to protect approval rates.
Here is a short clip from our deep dive at Transaction Summit earlier this year.
Let’s talk about Decline Salvage and 4 things you have to know to protect approval rates.
#1 Declines from Decline Salvage could hurt MID reputation
#2 Do not use any MID you need for your hero transactions on decline salvage
#3 The acquirer you use for the first attempt is important, after that, it doesn’t matter
#4 Doesn’t matter the MID/Bank, your 2nd attempt has a 75% chance of decline
If you want to know more about MID reputation, hero transactions, empirical data on approval rates by attempt, schedule some time with our team
With a focus on approval rate, we have been able to see astounding client success on both initial and rebill transactions. Though each scenario is different, gains have been in at least the 5-10% range, with a literal doubling of approval rate and many clients experiencing gains of 20-30% or more. Most importantly, we have been able to demystify the approval rate problem into a series of clear processes, analyses, and dashboards to understand exactly why approval rate is suffering and what can be done about it.
Want to know more?
Let’s Talk
Schedule some time with our team or reach out directly to Stan Feinberg
(415) 760-2711 | | TG: @StanFeinberg